Tip-up Fishing for Pike Video

This post was last updated on July 16th, 2021 at 11:37 am

Over the past couple weeks I’ve been filming some tipup pike fishing! We’ve had some good days and some not so good, but we caught a lot of nice fish. In case you aren’t familiar with using tipups, essentially you lower a minnow down through the ice, when the pike eats the minnow; the flag pops. You have to fight the fish with your hands, which makes it pretty tricky to maintain proper tension. One thing I can say about this type of fishing is that it sure is easy. You just sit there and wait for the flag to fly. It makes it very easy to end up drinking too much beer.

During this video I filmed a couple scenes with a green screen (see the Jaws opening scene :) Be sure to watch this one of a kind pike fishing video! Thanks for watching and be sure to subscribe to the Troutster youtube channel.

In the next video we’ll be flyfishing for pike and pretty soon we’ll be going after winter steelhead. Stay tuned!