This post was last updated on December 3rd, 2022 at 07:42 pm

As you are probably aware, the thingamabobbers are a great indicator, but after a lot of casting they will slide down your line and cause a minor inconvenience. The air lock strike indicator has a screwing top that will hold it on your line, where you want it until you take it off.These indicators are a little bit heavier to cast than many others, but they are still lighter than the heavy weight foam ones that many of us still use. The pro’s outweigh the con’s by far as you will see below..
Using these Indicators

The Airlock indicators have a slick top that screws on to hold your line in place, without causing any kinks in your leaders. If you completely unscrew the cap on these nifty bobbers, you will see that there is a slot on top for your line to slide into. So you slide in your line and replace the screwing top, then prepare to be amazed! If you need to make an adjustment because you are fishing in a different depth of water, you simply loosen the cap, slide your line to the desired depth and re-tighten.
What I love about these revolutionary Indicators
You could literally use the same indicator all day long and never experience 1 inch of sliding down causing the need for re-adjustment and screwing up your drifts. Using a loop style indicator will cause a kink in your leader that can never be removed, but this great product will never leave a single mark in your leader!
Best of all they come in a few different sizes from small to quite large for dragging heavy steelhead and salmon rigs.
Find out more at the companies website: