This post was last updated on February 11th, 2023 at 06:11 pm

Fly fishing for trout in Arizona can be very good. This desert state has a very large stocking program where they regularly plant fish from hatcheries into several rivers. In AZ, you also have the opportunity to catch some trout species that you won’t find except for in this area of the US (Gila trout and Apache trout) both of which are the only two native trout to the state of Arizona.
You can also find healthy populations of rainbow trout that are often stocked in conjunction with the two aforementioned trout species.
Most of the fishing rivers, streams, and creeks in Arizona are small in width and length, and flow from high altitude mountains. Many people forget that northern Arizona is extremely high elevation, surpassing 10,000 feet in some areas. I remember being in a major blizzard in Flagstaff when I was a kid. So, just remember that the entire state isn’t hot and dry. The area near the Grand Canyon is spectacular and lush. In fact, a herd of elk walked across the road as we were entering the park.
This is a great state to take backpack and a fly rod.
If you want more info on where to catch trout in Arizona, you can go to the following link which will lead you to Arizona fish and game website: