This post was last updated on December 3rd, 2022 at 07:42 pm
Cigarette Butt Flies and Other Deer Hair Fly Creations
These are made by West water Products, the same guys who make the thingamabobber. Look at their creativity with these “butt” flies. I am sure these would likely work for some bluegill fishing and probably some inner city carp fishing.They are made from stacked deer hair of various colors. If You have a smoking fly fisherman on your list, this might make a pretty unique gift.
This is just a few examples of some extreme creativity making trout flies. I am sure you could convince a fish or two to eat any one of these flies with the right presentation.
           A Couple More Creative Flies To offer Inspiration to the Fly Tyer
Look at this one! This turkey fly is very proper and in full strut. Who could look at this fly and not at least get a little chuckle.
Nice looking mallard fly. These might even make nice Christmas ornaments eh?