This post was last updated on August 15th, 2021 at 08:20 pm
The Green Drake Fly pattern is one of the most popular dry flies for fishing in the summer. Whether you’re fishing tailwaters, rivers, lakes, or ponds, the Green Drake will surely catch fish. The most popular way to fish the Green Drake is to fish it on a floating line. This allows you get your fly all over the place, which means more opportunities for the fish to take it and put an end to that Green Drake’s life. Continue reading this article to learn more about the Green Drake Dry Fly pattern including the Green Drake Cripple, Hairwing, when to use Green Drake Flies and more.
Green Drake Dry Fly Patterns

Tying the Green Drake Fly Pattern
- The tail on this particular fly is made from black elk hair, but any rigid floating hair will work.
- Tying a strand of orange or light brown floss sat the base of the tail, proceed to dub the fly with your green dubbing of choice.
- Once your fly has dubbing applied wrap your brown floss from the tail to the front in symmetrical wraps and tie it off leaving room at the front of the fly for your hackle.
- Apply your blue dun wings and finish by wrapping the entire front end with dense green hackle material.
Materials needed to tie the Green Drake Fly Pattern
- Black elk body hair
- Natural elk body hair
- Yellow floss
- Green synthetic dubbing or natural rabbit fur
- Green hackle
Check out some different Green Drake Dry Fly Patterns
Green Drake Emerger
Thin pin Green drake emerger: This small piece of foam at the top of this fly will keep it floating well and also gives it a little more visibility than the version in the image below. The parachute style of this pattern always keeps it floating just the way you want it- right side up.
Green Drake Spinner
Green drake parachute spinner. This has to be my favorite spinner pattern for the green drake hatch, it is very simple and effective.
Green Drake Fanwing
The Green drake Fanwing dry fly. This pattern is one om my favorites for the hatch.
Green Drake Fly Pattern FAQ
What does a green drake fly imitate?
The extended body on the Green Drake gives a realistic imitation of a large mayfly. This fly works everywhere from flat water to moderately heavy.
How do you fish a green drake fly?
Here’s a good video about fishing with a Green Drake fly pattern.