This post was last updated on April 8th, 2014 at 05:16 pm
Fly Fishing for Brown Trout, I hope this can happen to you?

Why do men and women become enamored with the addictive challenge of seeking this worthy adversary via the use of fur and feather? Could it be the contemplation and preparation inspires raw visceral emotion as the promise of adventure is almost tangible. I am attempting to explain the divine spiritual perspective of this pursuit not merely to rationalize the avocation but to acknowledge the transcendent impact upon those who participate.
First understand the mind of the novice fly fisherman. The goal of all effort is an emphasis on the fish. Manifesting a full creel is one predominant goal of the neophyte. As time passes the act of fly fishing inspires an entirely different credo. We earnestly appreciate that we have ventured in to a place that is so different from our daily rituals and mundane landscape. We have escaped to an inspirational temple that elevates our life and cleans our soul. We appreciate the fact the trout unlike most politicians cannot be bought nor persuaded by false arguments. Successful fly fishing for grand brown trout requires dedication, commitment, patience and study. Many fly fishing areas have been over fished and consequently the pressure has provided the old wise brown trout with education and discrimination. To know the binomial nomenclature of the insect species and the timing of their appearance on the water is important. To know the depth, the flow, the location of sweepers and undercut banks requires multiple fishing trips. When you are able to make a stealth approach with a gossamer leader and cast your fly with no drag visible in the current you have a chance. Finally one day you manage to raise your rod tip and at the exact moment necessary to hook and then play your fish successfully bring him to your net. It is at this moment that you realize that you have gained an acknowledgement of the purity of your soul. In appreciation of this moment the virtuous grateful fly fisherman may take a photograph but always liberates the worthy brown trout back into the stream simultaneously anchoring the treasure of the experience for ever in his mind and heart and preserving this experience for the next pilgrim that has earned the right to land such a magnificent fish.
This was a guest post from my Dad Waldemar Paetz III who taught me to fly fish, Thanks