This post was last updated on April 8th, 2014 at 03:54 pm
Tips for sneaking up on large trout:
Please don’t slap the water!
While you are casting your flies at fish there are many things that can go wrong. You don’t need to make it any harder than it already is though. What i mean is this; When casting at a fish NEVER cast directly on top of it.

You will without a doubt frighten it and ruin any chance you had of catching it. If you are casting spinners or crankbaits you need to cast way past the trout and work your lure toward it. When Fly fishing you will need to cast upstream of the fish and allow your fly to float to the fish. If the fish sees your fly hit the water it will be GAME OVER! If you make a bad cast please don’t rip your fly off the water and slap it back onto the fish. If you plan to hook a big brown trout, you will have to be aware of where your fly is at all times. If you feel like the fish has rejected your previous presentation make sure your fly is well downstream of the fish before you recast. Removing the fly when it is close to the fish is
probably worse than landing your fly in its face. Either way 90% of the time you won’t catch the fish..
When trying to approach a fish, you will have to be extremely careful to watch your shadow. Fish are very sensitive to shadows in the water. They have to be because of all of the birds trying to eat them. It is best to sneak to the side of the fish so that your shadow will be away from the fish.
Don’t make any waves!-
When attempting to sneak within striking distance of a well educated trout there are a few keys to remember. If you are fishing in slow water be sure to move slowly and not create any sort of wake that will make the fish aware of your presence. It is always best to move in on a brown trout from down stream (if you are in the water). There are a couple of reasons for this. By walking from downstream your waves are less likely to make it to the fish. Also there will be debris that you stir up on the bottom of the river. This could potentially frighten the fish.