Types of Trout – Learn to Identify your Catch

This post was last updated on December 20th, 2015 at 08:30 pm

Identifying Various Trout Species

Cutthroat trout Identification
The Cutthroat Trout. Notice the smaller spots, the red underneath its gills and the golden colored body. These are all classic traits of the Cutthroat. There are many different sub species of the cutthroat trout. Most are either threatened or endangered to to hybridization with the rainbow trout and other factors.
Brown trout Identification guide
The Brown trout typically has red and black spots with a golden to orange colored underside. Just like all trout as the spawning season approaches the colors will become more vivid. The colors shown on this particular trout are an average representation of the species.
Bull trout identification picture.
The Bull trout is a large member of the char family. related to the brook trout, lake trout, etc.
Lake trout identification
Lake trout, this is a large member of the char family. Generally does not have much color in it. Its main Identifiable characteristic is the forked tail. These trout grow to huge sizes.
The Brook trout is the most colorful of all trout. Notice the orange belly, and the pink spots with bluish outline. Also a member of the char family. Brook trout also usually have white on the front of their fins and a very square shaped tail (as shown)
The Brook trout is the most colorful of all trout. Notice the orange belly, and the pink spots with bluish outline. Also a member of the char family. Brook trout also usually have white on the front of their fins and a very square shaped tail (as shown)