Best Bait for Trout Fishing

This post was last updated on September 28th, 2021 at 11:51 am

We all have our favorite bait for trout fishing. Some of us use live bait, others use the more common artificial bait. One thing that is true for everyone who goes fishing. You want to get your hands on the best bait for trout fishing.

What are the best types of bait? Artificial or live? What lures should be used with different types of artificial baits? Let’s take a look at these topics and more as we explore various aspects of selecting the best trout fishing bait to use when you go out on your next trip!

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How to Choose the Best Trout Fishing Bait for Your Trip

When choosing a type of bait for your next trout fishing trip, keep these things in mind:

  • Is it easy to find?
  • Will the fish respond to the bait?
  • Can I easily store or transport the bait?

Make sure you have all the equipment necessary before leaving home. If you don’t, it may be hard to find your bait once you arrive at the fishing spot.

Should You Live or Artificial Trout Bait?

There are many things to consider when deciding between live or artifical bait for trout. Here are some general guidelines to keep in mind.

For live baits:

  • Live bait is good when the fish are very active
  • If you don’t have a lot of time, live bait may not be for you
  • You need to know how to catch or find the appropriate live bait
  • Live bait should be kept cool during the day
  • You will need to know how to present it

For artificial baits

  • The deeper water is typically more suited for artifical
  • If you want a lot of easy access to variety
  • You can use several different types of lures with artifical baits
  • Artifical baits are typically inexpensive

Best Time To Use Bait For Trout

Trout bait can be used at any time and in any type of water whether that be in clear water or dirty water, or even in very cold water.I have read some articles that say that natural bait works better than imitation baits or that natural baits work better in high muddy water because the trout can pick up on the scent of the natural bait easily.

After fishing hundreds of days in muddly water, I’ve come to realize that a natural bait with scent isn’t always best. Muddy waters are full of dissolved dirt and there’s usually lotsa debris which masks or dilutes any benefit from the smell coming off these types o’bait as well; if you happen to catch trout using one – good for them! But think about all those people out here still catching their limit despite trying something different than what they’re used to.

A combination of the bigger bait and the scent combined might improve your chances in dirty water. Its also smart to choose baits that look natural to the fish. Your best best is to try aand match the current conditions and food sources in the area.

Top 10 Best Bait for Trout Fishing (and Some Lures)

There are many different types of trout fishing baits that can be used. Each has their advantages and disadvantages, but the trick is finding the right combination for your trip! Some of the best bait to use includes:

#1: Flies – One Of The Best Trout Fishing Baits

Flies are one of the best types of trout fishing bait. There are many types of flies.

The different types of flies include:

  • Intricate patterns that look like bugs
  • Simple egg patterns that use fewer materials
  • Soft or hard shell flies which can be used for many different species of fish, not just trout
  • Dry flies
  • Wet flies
  • And more

A fly is one of the all-time best baits in trout rivers and if I had to choose only 1 bait to use from now on, it would be a fly. They can be so versatile. You don’t need bugs when you have a selection like leeches, minnows or crayfish on offer! There’s even some that imitate mice too. Every angler should get his or her hands on a quality trout fly collection.

#2: Nymphs – One of The Best Types Of Trout Fishing Bait

Another one of the best types of trout fishing bait is nymphs. Nymphs can also be used for all trout species and other species as well. There are hundreds of different types of nymphs you can select from depending on what type of fish you want to catch.

Fishing with nymphs requires more stealth. You don’t want to scare off the fish, so you have to be careful not to make too much noise.

Nymphs are perfect for fishing in streams where there is very little light, or when it is dark outside. This way the fish will still think that they are bugs, and become much easier to catch.

Nymphs are not one of the most commonly used types of bait, but they are definitely worth trying, especially if you are fishing in a stream where it is dark. The easiest way to use nymphs is by attaching them to the end of your fishing line using a fly-fishing leader.

#3: The Worm

Our next trout fishing bait is the worm. The worm is a popular type of trout fishing bait. Although it might not be as attractive to a trout as a fly or a nymph, it certainly does the job!

The best type of worm to use is a night crawler, which can be purchased at any bait shop. Make sure you do not buy the kind that has been refrigerated because this makes it very stiff and difficult to use; if you plan on using night crawlers as your fishing bait, then make sure you get some that are still alive and healthy. The best way to hook the worm is at the end of a safety pin or a short shank hook.

Worms are best used for catching big trout. They can often be too small and weak to catch a trout on their own, but when used bait fishing with a lot of different types of fish, they can do great.

#4: Fish Eggs

Fish eggs are the next type of trout fishing bait. This is one of the best types of bait because fish eggs are very easy to use, and they work well at all times of day.

The best way to use these as a bait is to attach them with a very light monofilament leader attached to your main line before casting out into the water.

Some people prefer to thread their fish eggs on a lighter hook such as an Eagle Claw L009S.

Fish eggs are also good for catching other species such as pike or bass. They can be used wherever you happen to be fishing.

#5: Beads

Our next type of trout fishing bait is beads. These can be very effective when used properly; it is important to watch the weather conditions before you use them, though.

The best way to attach beads is by stringing them onto a piece of monofilament line that has been tied to your leader with either a clinch or blood knot.

When you are ready to cast out with your beads, make sure you toss them in front of the fish so they know they are there. When using beads with light line, the wind can often cause problems when casting, so be aware of this when using these baits for trout fishing!

#6: Live Baits For Trout

There are many kinds of live baits you can use for trout fishing. Let’s discuss some of the best in more detail.

Wax worms, Maggots & Grubs

Wax worms, maggots and grubs are all good options, but wax worms are the easiest to use.

Grubs are another type of bait that is popular for catching trout. These are best used when they are fished on a smaller hook or size 10. The best way to put grubs onto your line is by using an improved clinch knot.

Keep in mind that you should not fish with these types of bait when the water temperature is below 50 degrees Fahrenheit! They will die in the cold water, and this means you will have lost all of your fishing bait without any results.

Crayfish – Also Know as CrawFish or Crawdads

Crayfish are closely related to crabs and lobsters. They live in the water, so they make good bait for trout fishing.

The best way to use crayfish is by hooking them through their back just above the tail using a size 6 streamer/crawler hook. You can then slip this on your line right behind your nymph, or you can fish it right on the end of your line if that is what works best for you.

When using crayfish as a type of bait for trout fishing, be careful because they have very sharp pinchers! You don’t want to lose a finger or two when trying to catch a big brown trout!


Leeches are another type of bait you can use for catching trout. These are one of the best types of baits to use when you have a difficult time finding any other fishing lures or flies.

The best way to fish with leeches is by using a high quality treble hook and threading it right through the middle of the body.

Crickets and grasshoppers

Another great bait source are crickets and grasshoppers. The best way to use crickets and grasshoppers is by using a size 10 or 12 hook with a small weight attached to your line. This is a popular trout fishing bait that works very well at all times of the day.

#7: Minnows And Baitfish

The next best type of bait for trout fishing is minnows and other natural baitfish.

Minnows are easy to find in most ponds, lakes and rivers where there are trout. A good way to attach them is by using a size 6 hook. By doing this you can thread the minnow right onto your line without having to use a special knot or anything else that is complicated.

Another great fish for trout fishing is the baitfish. This usually refers to small fish like shiners, perch and dace. These are also very easy to use because all you have to do is thread them onto your hook. If they are dying, you might want to put them on a stringer instead of using them as bait for trout fishing.

Jigs For Trout Fishing

Another type of bait that can be very effective for catching trout is a jig. Jigs are great because you can use them to imitate any kind of bug or insect that happens to land on the surface of the water near your fishing spot.

The best way to fish with a jig is by using a floating line and a leader made out of monofilament, fluorocarbon or braided fishing line. For the weight at the front, you should have a small lead sinker between 1/8th and 3/8th ounces.

Some good lures for trout fishing include spoons, spinners as well as mouse-type lures. Another good option is an artificial such as those used when fly fishing. You should use these types of trout fishing lures in the same way you would if you were to use them for bass fishing or other species.

Lures For Trout Fishing

A classic way to catch trout is with the use of a lure. Lures are typically used in freshwater fishing, although some are used in saltwater as well. There are many different types of lures for freshwater fishing including surface baits, spinner baits, stick baits, worm harnesses and creatures. Surface baits are one type of lures that work very well when you are trying to get the attention of a large trout on your line. This is usually made by using a deer hair head with some sort of pork rind or veggie on top. The impact rattles loudly while it’s being walked across the water’s surface.

Another great bait type for trout fishing is spinner bait which uses two or more metal blades that spin when the bait is being moved across the water. This type of lure is great for trout fishing because it imitates a small fish or minnow in motion, which attracts larger fish to take them out.

Stick baits are another effective trout fishing lure that can be used during any season. You can use this type of bait by attaching it to your line and reeling it through the water until you feel some sort of bite. Once you feel a bite, jerk back on your rod quickly so as not to lose the fish before you are able to set up properly with your reel.

Other Stuff To Make Trout Fishing Easier

A day of fishing can be easy, but you do need to go prepared. Here are some other important things to bring along aside from your rig.

Polarized Sunglasses

Before you go trout fishing, make sure that you have a good pair of polarized sunglasses to help you see through the water better.


In addition to this, it’s also helpful if you have a good comfortable seat so that your back isn’t hurting from being out in the field for hours on end. You can use any type of camping chair or stool when going trout fishing so long as it is comfortable and is easy for you to sit in for long periods of time while waiting for fish to bite.

Water Gear

If you’re going river fishing, don’t forget your waders, waterproof boots, or crocs (yes, really).


The last thing to be prepared with before heading out on your next trout fishing trip is having all of your equipment ready beforehand. Make sure your rods and reels are in good working order. Get your tackle box organized, and give yourself some sort of plan ahead of time.

You can check the weather to try and figure out what kind of conditions you’ll be fishing in. This will help you decide which setup you want to start with.

In Conclusion – The Best Bait for Trout Fishing

All in all, the best bait for trout fishing is one that is seems most natural to the trout art that time. This can vary widley depending on the conditions. IT’s important to try many different setups and pay close attention to the insects, bugs, water color, etc. You’ll also want to carry some polarized sunglasses because it will help you see through the water better. If possible, try to check weather conditions ahead of time which will give you clues about how you should setup your initial rig, and what else you may need to bring. Hopeufully this article helps you choose the best bait for trout fishing, and makes your trips more successful!